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You can make it through

There are lots of questions lingering on our minds today.
We ask a lot of times "How could God be pleased with me???? I am such a sinner!!!!" and there are so many poetic ways we say the same thing. It all can be summarized as "That we don't believe God is happy with us, we do not believe that He is pleased with us"

Go back a few years; to when you were a child, recollect the kind of thoughts you had "Oh my I fought with my brother/sister, I think Santa Claus is not gonna give me a gift this time" or when you did something terribly wrong and your relative just made a totally unwarranted statement "This boy IS like this, what will happen to him if he grows up" in response your parents beat you black and blue instead of consoling you because their ego was hurt by that statement of your relative

Here we are, thinking we are mature and grown up, still entangled in the same thought. We even start to think God is not doing anything in my life because He is angry with me, or is it something I did. We have started to believe every wrong thought that comes to our mind and we just are not able to believe anything good.
There is a perpetual fear that our name got registered in the wrong book in heaven. "I am black listed for life".

Guess what!!!! There is hope for us.

Bible speaks of only one book and it's called the "Book of life" and if you believe in Jesus your name is recorded in that book.
Interestingly, there is no book called "Book of death". It speaks volumes about the nature of our God.
It seems like He chooses to ignore our daily sins.
Many would argue that God can remember sins even without recording it in a book, then my question to them is then why the book of life???
Lets get back to our topic of discussion: "How can it be that He simply chose not to record any of our sins????"
It is true, this is what Jesus did on the cross "He took all our sins on Himself, He became a curse for us, He died a death which He did not deserve So you and I can live a life that we don't deserve". God remembered our sins once and for all on Jesus and because of Jesus we have a hope. It was and is Grace all the way!!!! Hallelujah!!!!

Talking about the book of life, God chose to record our names who believe in Jesus because of Jesus' righteousness.
Hebrews 8:12 says "For I will be merciful to their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more"

Our Daddy God's primary focus is Jesus. 1 John 4:17 "... as He is so also are we in this world". It is not us that daddy is looking at, it is Jesus.
Jesus is holy and so are we, Jesus is beautiful and so are we, Jesus is obedient and so are we. Whatever Jesus is before the father so are we.
Start to confess this; it is okay if people around you think you are mad.

Go on Confess. You should hear yourself say it. For long you have confessed otherwise. Now accept the righteousness of the Son and be blessed.
Know that there is no book of death, there is only book of life.
Daddy is not recording your sins. He is just waiting for you to come to Him through Jesus.

God Bless


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